   编辑:物电学院    来源: 加入日期:2018/11/26 14:55 阅读次数:

序号 成果作者 成果名称 刊物名称 出版日期 刊物主办单位 成果类别 成果级别
1 曾晶 Covalent coupling of porphines to graphene edges: Quantum transport properties and their applications in electronics Carbon 2018-02-01 ELSEVIER 论文 SCI一区
2 曾晶 The contaminant-induced instabilities of spin-transport properties in a MnPc-based spin valve Organic Electronics 2018-07-01 ELSEVIER 论文 SCI二区
3 曾晶 A nearly perfect spin filter and a spin logic gate based on a porphyrin/graphene hybrid material Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2018-02-14 RSC 论文 SCI二区
4 肖立新 Highly Efficient and Stable Self-Powered Ultraviolet and Deep-Blue Photodetector Based on Cs2AgBiBr6SnO2 Heterojunction Adv. Optical Mater 2018.8   论文 SCI一区
5 肖立新 Long-Lived and Highly Efficient TADF-PhOLED with “(A)n–D–(A)n” Structured Terpyridine Electron-Transporting Material Adv. Funct. Mater 2018.4   论文 SCI一区
6 肖立新 Recent progress in lead-free perovskite (-like) solar cells Materials Today Energy 2018.2   论文 新刊
7 戴志平 Analytic expression and propagation properties of hollow Gaussian beams for the off-waist incident case in strongly nonlocal media Results in Physics 2018-06-01 Elsevier 论文 SCI四区
8 戴志平 Spatial solitons supported by graphene/hexagonal boron nitride heterostructures Materials Letters 2018-08-29 Elsevier 论文 SCI二区
9 许河秀 Broadband Vortex Beam Generation Using Multimode Pancharatnam–Berry Metasurface IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 2017-12-15 IEEE 论文 SCI二区
10 谭延亮 Energy dependent etching related impacts on CR-39 alpha detection efficiency for the Rn-222 and Rn-220 decay chains Journal of instrumentation 2018.04 IOP 论文 SCI三区
11 谭延亮 自动读取CR-39固体核径迹探测器径迹数的简单方法 衡阳师范学院学报 2018-06-15 衡阳师范学院 论文 省级
12 邓艳红 The electro-optic performance and photovoltaic effect of organic devices based on cesium arbonate/Al/molybdenum trioxide intermediate connector Organic Electronics 2017.12 ELSEVIER 论文 SCI二区
13 许岳兵 A Novel Dual-Scale Deep Belief Network Method for Daily Urban Water Demand Forecasting Energies 2018.4 MDPI 论文 SCI三区
14 许岳兵 Daily Urban Water Demand Forecasting Based on Chaotic Theory and Continuous Deep Belief Neural Network Neural Processing Letters 2018.9 Springer 论文 SCI三区
15 许岳兵 A new hybrid approach for short-term water demand time series forecasting The 13th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation 2018 2018.7 IEEE 会议论文 EI检索
16 罗昌由 Magneto-optical control of Imbert-Fedorov shifts of a light beam reflected from interfaced monolayer graphene Journal of the Optical Society of America B 2018.11 Optical Society of America 论文 SCI三区
17 罗昌由 Tunable enhanced Goos–Hänchen shift of light beam reflected
from graphene-based hyperbolic metamaterials
Applied Physics B 2018.6 Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 论文 SCI三区
18 张登玉 具有多重最近邻相互作用的自旋环境中的量子关联动力学 衡阳师范学院学报 2018.6 衡阳师范学院 论文 省级
19 王金江 基于STM32F103C8T6的多功能盆栽自动浇水装置的研究 科技经济导刊 2018.09 山东省科学技术协会 论文 省级
20 蓝郁 Asymmetric doping dependence of superconductivity between hole-and electron-doped triangular-lattice superconductors Modern Physics Letters B 2018-03-19 World Scientific 论文 SCI四区
21 蓝郁 Temperature Dependence of Commensurate Magnetic Resonance in Cuprate Superconductors Key Engineering Materials 2018-11-05 Trans Tech Publications 论文 EI 收录
22 肖宾宾 Superconductivity in potassium and ammonia co-intercalated FeSe1-xTex Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy 2018-09-12 中国科学 论文 SCI二区
23 唐建平 Stability and electronic structure of two_dimensional arsenic phosphide monolayer Material Science & Engineering B 2018.1 ELSEVIER 论文 SCI三区
24 高峰 关于原子核结构的讨论 衡阳师范学院学报 2017.12 衡阳师范学院 论文 省级
25 袁季兵 One-stepdistillationoflocal-unitary-equivalentGHZ-type states QuantumInformationProcessing 2018-08-22 Springe 论文 SCI三区

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版权:衡阳师范学院物理与电子工程学院  备案号:湘教QS3-200505-000049  湘ICP备05003883号
