姓名 |
罗振国 |

性别 |
男 |
政治面貌 |
中共党员 |
民族 |
汉 |
学历 |
研究生 |
学位 |
博士 |
职称/职务 |
副教授 |
办公地点 |
数学楼413 |
办公电话 |
0734-8484934 |
毕业院校 |
中南大学 |
通讯地址 |
湖南省衡阳市珠晖区衡花路16号衡阳师范学院数学与统计学院 |
2011/04- 衡阳师范学院,数学与统计学院
罗振国,1979年11月生,男,博士,副教授,省青年骨干教师,主要从事常微分方程、复变函数、微积分、概率论与数理统计等课程教学、脉冲(泛函)微分方程稳定性与应用研究;先后在“Nonlinear Analysis(RWA)”、“Applied Mathematics and Computation”、“Journal of Applied Mathematics”,“Advances in Difference Equations”、“数学物理学报” “系统科学与数学”、“应用数学学报”等杂志上发表学术论文30余篇(其中,SCI收录17篇, ISTP收录3篇,EI收录3篇),多篇教研论文;主持中国博士后基金面上二等资助、中国博士后基金特别资助、湖南省自然科学基金青年项目、湖南省自然科学基金面上项目、湖南省教育厅重点项目及湖南省海外引智项目各1项;参与国家项目多项;获得衡阳市科技进步奖(三等奖)、校科研成果奖(一等奖)各1项;指导学生获全国大学生数学建模竞赛省三等奖2项。
主讲的课程和教学获奖 :
(一) 科研论文及科研成果
[1] Zhenguo Luo(罗振国), Binxiang Dai and Qianhong Zhang, Existence of positive periodic solutions for an impulsive semi-ratio-dependent predator-prey model with dispersion and time delays, Appl. Math. Comput., 2010,215 :3390-3398. (SCI)
[2] Zhenguo Luo(罗振国), Binxiang Dai and Qi Wang, Existence of positive periodic solutions for a nonautonomous neutral delay n-species competitive model with impulses, Nonlinear Analysis: RWA., 2010,11 :3955-3967. (SCI)
[3] Zhenguo Luo(罗振国) and Binxiang Dai, Existence of multiple positive periodic solutions of delayed predator-prey systems with monotonic or non-monotonic functional response and impulse, Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Biological Dynamic System and Stability of Differential Equation.Chongqing, P. R. China, May, 2010, 56-59 .(ISTP)
[4] Yuanfu Shao, Binxiang Dai and Zhenguo Luo(罗振国), The dynamics of an impulsive one-prey multi-predators system with delay and Holling-type II functional response, Appl. Math. Comput., 2010,215:2414-2424. (SCI)
[5] Binxiang Dai ,Ying Li and Zhenguo Luo(罗振国), Multiple periodic solutions for impulsive Gause-type ratio-dependentpredator–prey systems with non-monotonic numerical responses. Appl. Math. Comput., 2011, 217 :7478-7487. (SCI)
[6] Wang Guozheng, Zhang Qianhong and Zhenguo Luo(罗振国), Global Exponential Stability of FCNNs with Bounded Uncertain Delays, Part I, LNCS, 2009, 5551: 383-394.(ISTP)
[7] Yuanfu Shao and Zhenguo Luo, Global exponential stability of BAM neural networks with impulses and distributed delays, J. Appl. Math. Inform., 2011,29: 103-117.
[8] Liu Yang,Haibo Chen, Liping Luo and Zhenguo Luo(罗振国), Successive iteration and positive solutions for boundary value problem of nonlinear fractional q-difference equation. J Appl Math Comput, 2013, 42(1):89-102. (EI)
[9] Zhenghui Gao and Zhenguo Luo(罗振国). Absolute stability y of Lurie control systems with continuous deviating arguments, 2012 Second International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Control, 2012, 32(4):2744-2746. (ISTP)
[10] Zhenguo Luo(罗振国) and Liping Luo, Global positive periodic solutions of generalized -n species competition systems with multiple delays and impulses, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2013, Article ID 980974,12 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/980974.(SCI)
[11] Zhenguo Luo(罗振国) and Liping Luo, Existence of positive periodic solutions for periodic neutral lotka-volterra system with distributed delays and impulses, International Journal of Differential Equations, Volume 2013, Article ID 890281, 13 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/890281.
[12] Zhenguo Luo(罗振国), Jianhua Huang, Liping Luo and Binxiang Dai, Existence and global attractivity of positive periodic solutions for the neutral multidelay logarithmic population model with impulse, International Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Volume 2013, Article ID 912858, 12 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/912858.
[13] Zhenguo Luo(罗振国), Jianhua Huang, Liping Luo and Binxiang Dai, Existence and uniqueness of positive (almost) periodic solutions for a neutral multi-species logarithmic population model with multiple delays and impulses, Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 2013, 3: 247-262.
[14] Zhenguo Luo(罗振国)and Liping Luo, Existence and stability of positive periodic solutions for a neutral multi-species Logarithmic population model with feedback control and impulse, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2013, Article ID 741043, 11 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/741043. (SCI)
[15] Zhenguo Luo(罗振国), Jianhua Huang and Binxiang Dai, A new existence theory for positive periodic solutions to a class of neutral delay model with feedback control and impulse, ISRN Mathematical Analysis, Volume 2013, Article ID 695891, 18 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/695891.
[16] Zhenguo Luo(罗振国) and Liping Luo, Jianhua Huang and Binxiang Dai, Global Positive Periodic Solutions of Generalized 𝑛-Species Gilpin-Ayala Delayed Competition Systems with Impulses, International Journal of Differential Equations, Volume 2013, Article ID 617824, 13 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/617824.
[17] Zeng yun-hui,Luo li-ping and Luo zhen-guo(罗振国), Oscillation criteria of a second order half-linear damped differential equation with distributed deviating argument, Journal of vibration and shock, 2013,32(8):1-5.(EI)
[18] Zhenghui Gao, Liu Yang and Zhenguo Luo(罗振国), Stability of the solutions for nonlinear fractional differential equations with delays and integral boundary conditions, Advances in Difference Equations, 2013, 2013(1):1-8. (SCI)
[19] Zhenguo Luo(罗振国), Liping Luo and Yunhui Zeng, Positive Periodic Solutions for Impulsive Functional Differential Equations with Infinite Delay and Two Parameters, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2014, Article ID 751612, 17 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/751612. (SCI)
[20] Zhenguo Luo(罗振国), Liping Luo and Yunhui Zeng, Multiple Periodic Solutions of Generalized Gause-Type Predator-Prey Systems with Nonmonotonic Numerical Responses and Impulse, ISRN Mathematical Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 347201, 10 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/347201.
[21] Zhenguo Luo(罗振国), Liping Luo and Yunhui Zeng, Positive Periodic Solution for the Generalized Neutral Differential Equation with Multiple Delays and Impulse, Journal of Applied Mathematics,Volume 2014, Article ID 592513, 12 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/592513 .(SCI)
[22] Zhenguo Luo(罗振国), Multiple Positive Periodic Solutions for Functional Differential
Equations with Impulses and a Parameter, Abstract and Applied Analysis. Volume 2014, Article ID 812867, 13 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/812867. (SCI)
[23] Zhenguo Luo(罗振国), Liping Luo, Liu Yang, Zhenghui Gao and Yunhui Zeng, Existence and Uniqueness of Positive Periodic Solutions for a Delayed Predator-Prey Model with Dispersion and Impulses, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2014, Article ID 592543, 21 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/592543. (SCI)
[24] Zhenguo Luo(罗振国), Liping Luo, Liu Yang and Yunhui Zeng, Global Positive Periodic Solutions for Periodic Two-Species Competitive Systems with Multiple Delays and Impulses, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 785653, 23 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/785653.(SCI)
[25] Zhenguo Luo(罗振国), Multiple Positive Periodic Solutions for Two Kinds of Higher-Dimension Impulsive Differential Equations with Multiple Delays and Two Parameters, Journal of Mathematics, Volume 2014, Article ID 214093, 13 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/214093.
[26] Liu Yang, Liping Luo, Zhenguo Luo(罗振国),Infinitely many fast homoclinic solutions for some secong-order nonautomomous systems,Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, (2014),66(3):454-466. (SCI)
[27] Qianhong Zhang, Jingzhong Liu, and Zhenguo Luo(罗振国), Dynamical Behavior of a System of Third-Order RationalDifference Equation, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society Volume 2015, Article ID 530453, 6 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/530453.(SCI)
[28] Qianhong Zhang, Jingzhong Liu, and Zhenguo Luo(罗振国), Dynamical behavior of a third-order rationalfuzzy difference equation, Advances in Difference Equations ,(2015) 2015:108 DOI 10.1186/s13662-015-0438-2.(SCI)
[29] Liu Yang, Liping Luo,and Zhenguo Luo(罗振国), Multiple solutions to fourth-order elliptic problems with steeq potential well,Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2015 (2015), No. 124: 1-13.(SCI 通讯作者)
[30] Xiangmin Ma, Yuanfu Shao, Zhen Wang, Xianjia Fang, and Zhenguo Luo(罗振国), Analysis of an Impulsive One-Predator and Two-Prey System with Stage-Structure and Generalized Functional Response, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society Volume 2015, Article ID 864367, 10 pages,http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/864367.(SCI 通讯作者)
[31] Liping Luo,Zhenguo Luo(罗振国), Yihua Deng, Oscillation analysis for vector hyperbolic equations based on the effect of impulse and delay, ICPMS2018:Journal of Physics,2018:1-8(EI 通讯作者)
[32] 罗李平、罗振国、邓义华,脉冲扰动对非线性时滞双曲型分布参数系统振动的影响,数学物理学报,38(2):313-321,2018(CSCD核心库 通讯作者)
[35] 罗李平、罗振国、杨柳,一类偶数阶中立型泛函偏微分系统的振动准则,中山大学学报,54(6):50-54,2015(CSCD核心库)
1. 罗振国、罗李平、杨柳、曾云辉,带脉冲控制和时滞效应的非线性微分模型解的性态研究,衡阳市科学技术进步奖评审委员会,衡阳市科技进步奖,三等奖,2016 /12
2. 罗振国、罗李平、杨柳、曾云辉,两类具有多时滞和脉冲扰动的一般n种群竞争模型全局解的存在性,衡阳师范学院,第八届优秀科研成果奖,一等奖,2015/11
4. 湖南省教育厅重点项目,17A030,随机和脉冲等因素影响的(泛函)微分系统解的性态及其应用研究,2017/05-20019/12,在研,主持
5. 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目,2018JJ2006,随机和脉冲因素影响的动力系统的渐进性研究,2018/01-2020/12,在研,主持